Listen to The Rich Tradie: Building An Empire Off The Tools podcast — real talk, smart systems, and no fluff advice to help tradies get off the tools and back in control of their business.
Episode 001: The 3 systems you MUST have sorted before you outsource any back-office stuff
Episode 002: The first system you need to document it and why you've never done it
Episode 003: The most important number in your business
Episode 004: How many times do I have to tell him? Quality control without micromanagement.
Episode 005: Why chefs shouldnt write recipe books
Episode 006: Waiting for a mate? Stop lettting your customer tell you how to do your job
Episode 007: I'm better when... Refrain your daily habits
Episode 008: Stop staring at that to do list... Why Easy is the new hard
Episode 009: More sales, more profits, less drama without getting a single new client?
Episode 010: Initiative is not a personality trait
Episode 011: Choosing a CRM (Part 1)
Episode 012: Choosing a CRM (Part 2)
Episode 013: Remember they are technicians not administrators
Episode 014: Why debriefing is your key to growth
Episode 015: Ditch your inbox
Episode 016: Stop doing dumb shit
Episode 017: What to do about that bloody phone: Stay Productive and Connected
Episode 020: Mastering the Client Triage: Know When to Walk Away or Push Forward
Episode 022: You don't need Marketing
Episode 023: Cash for Christmas
Episode 024: Be a Talent magnet Secrets of hiring and keeping a great team